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St Vincent De Paul Infant School, Marino, Dublin 9

Room 14 - Busy at Maths

27th Feb 2020

In room 14, we have been very busy the last few weeks learning all about tens and units. 

We LOVE Number Blocks in our class and this week we finally go to meet the Number 100 character. It was quite exciting! Can you see him in the pictures? This is the link to the video that we watched this week

We also learned a new word 'infinite' which means something goes on forever or there is no end to it. We realised that there is an infinite amount of numbers! How cool is that?

Our class have also been completing different activities to help us learn. Can you see the pictures of our hundred square jigsaws and our matching numbers game?

We have loads more to learn about tens and units this year and we are doing a great job so far!

Thanks for stopping by, 

Room 14.