Minister Zappone's Resources

Minister Zappone launches suite of resources for children and parents
Parents Centre contains information for parents and provides links to a wide range of trusted and high quality online resources including learning, parenting and information on supports that are available
Let’s Play Ireland is an online portal on, providing access to a range of play resources for children
Grow In Love

Grow in Love is now available for parents to access online.
To sign in to the website go to :
Log in using these details:
Password: growinlove
Once logged in, you can opt to stay logged in. If you then click on the link in each weeks Religion section it should bring you to the videos and activities for your child's work that week.
Alternatively, after you sign in you can click on your child's year group, the theme they are working on and the lesson. This will be stated in you child's work each week.
The Great Isolation Activity Book

Two teachers in Ireland made this lovely activity book for children to complete during this time:
The Great Isolation Activity Book:
They have also completed an adult version if any moms and dads would like to have a look:
Here is a link to their page telling us why they created these booklets:
Bua Na Cainte Program Access for PCs/Laptops

In order to continue the good work started in school, Edco is delighted to extend the use of Bua na Cainte, our award-winning Interactive Irish Language programme to parents and pupils who are at home during this challenging time.
Please note that Bua na Cainte works on PC and Mac computers only.
To access Bua na Cainte’s interactive programme at home, for a limited period, please follow the instructions below.
1. Go to
2. Select the file which suits your computer: PC or MAC
3. Select the Class Level you require, and then click on it to start a download of the file.
4. Once the download has completed, click on the file to install and follow the on-screen instructions.
5. A Bua na Cainte icon will appear on your desktop. Once you select this icon a login page will open where you will need to enter the details included below.
The login details below can be used for all class levels.
Login: trial
Password: trial
Online Readers

If you're looking for readers that will match your child's ability then go to:
These online books are grouped in a developing order based on the order of sounds introduced in the Jolly Phonics early literacy program that we use at school.
Each book is published with suggestions on how parents, tutors and teachers can get the most out of the book.
Please use these readers at your discretion accounting for your child or children's abilities, ages and needs.
RTE Home School Hub

Tune in to the RTE Home School Hub where children will be able to watch, download and engage with curriculum-based content, project work, and fun activities that will keep them entertained and learning.
Every week day morning from 11am to 12 noon, on RTE 2, bilingual teachers will present three short class segments aimed at 1st and 2nd class, 3rd and 4th class and 5th and 6th class.
A catch-up programme later in the day, RTÉ Home School Extra at 4.15pm, is a takeover format, where primary school kids from all over the country can reconnect by uploading and posting video messages and content that RTÉ will showcase.
Click here for this week's planner:
St Vincent De Paul Infant School, Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland
Phone: 01 8334538 | Roll Number: 16754R