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St Vincent De Paul Infant School, Marino, Dublin 9

Room 14 - Lego Education - Milo the Science Rover.

13th Feb 2020

We have a new pal in our class - but he is not human. He is a Science Rover named Milo. We built him using the Lego WeDo 2.0 kit. We looked at how a rover works in space and that if humans can't travel somewhere, a rover is sent there instead.

We built Milo following instructions on the Lego Education app. Then came the really fun part - coding! We could have spent all day coding Milo to do different things. We made him go forwards and backwards. We made him turn around. We programmed him to make noises and we made him go down the corridor. He travelled all the way from our classroom down to the office! Check out the pictures and the video of Milo roaming the corridors!

Thanks for stopping by,

Room 14.

Milo the Science Rover
Milo the Science Rover
We worked together
We worked together