Access Keys:

St Vincent De Paul Infant School, Marino, Dublin 9

Urgent request for help - Family Fun Day

5th Jun 2018

Family Fun Day is nearly here. 

Thank you so much to those that have volunteered so far.  We still need at least 30 more volunteers for the day to be a success. 

If we don't have enough volunteers the Family Fun Day is at risk of being cancelled.

Please see details below of times and areas still to be covered.  Please consider volunteering for this fund day out for the family and contact the Parents' Association ( as soon as possible.

Also, if you have any second-hand uniform, books, CDs, DVDs or unwanted gifts that you can donate please bring them to the school.  they may be left in the pink tub at the Infant School entrance.

Thank you

Michelle Mullen


Area Time No. of volunteers needed
Gatekeepers/Entrance Sales 2.45 - 4pm 2
Token Sales 12.45 - 2pm, 1.45 - 3pm, 2.45 - 4pm 1, 2, 3
Tea/Coffee/Cake stall 1.45 - 3pm, 2.45 - 4pm 2, 3
Score a Goal 12.45 - 2pm, 1.45 - 3pm, 2.45 - 4pm 1, 2, 1
Guess How Many 2.45 - 4pm 1
Face painting 12.45 - 2pm, 1.45 - 3pm, 2.45 - 4pm 2, 4, 4
Obstacle course 1.45 - 3pm, 2.45 - 4pm 1, 1
Pluck a Duck 2.45 - 4pm 1